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List of Awards Achieved over the past 23 years


School with the most graduates in the ACCA exams - June 1998
School with the most graduates in the ACCA exams - June 1999
(ACCA ) Top School Category CAT Graduates 1st place - December 1999
School with the most graduates in the ACCA exams - December 1999
School with the most graduates in the ACCA Examinations - June 2000
Top School Award (Large School Category) for the top school with the most passes by ACCA students - November 3rd 2001
Excellence in Teaching Award presented to Edward Yee Fung in recognition of service to A.C.C.A. students and the accounting profession (2007)
Learning Partnership Service Award presented to S.A.C. in recognition of dedicated service since 1986 to the delivery of A.C.C.A. Qualifications (2007)

Approved Learning Partner - Student tuition Gold to certify that Students Accountancy Centre Limited has been awarded Gold Approval under the Approved Learning Partner Student Tuition Programme in recognition of the quality of tuition provision and support for A.C.C.A. students.

S.A.C. is registered with the Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago (ACTT) for the maximum statutory period of 3 years.

Student Exam Awards

2008 in Review

S.A.C. has enjoyed quite a dominating year in both the A.C.C.A. and F.I.A Graduation ceremonies which took place in 2008 in which the following awards were given to students who displayed outstanding performances in the respective examination sittings.

C.A.T. Graduation:

Anessa Mohammed:
1st Place in Trinidad for the C.A.T. exams in June 2007.

Anessa Mohammed:
1st Place in the Caribbean for the C.A.T. exams in June 2007.

Candice St. John:
2nd Place in Trinidad for the C.A.T. exams in June 2007.

Candice St. John:
2nd Place in the Caribbean for the C.A.T. exams in June 2007.

At the C.A.T. Graduation S.A.C. distinguished itself by being the ONLY tuition provider acknowledged for its excellence in accountancy tuition and its outstanding results for the C.A.T. exams.

The College was able to make a clean sweep of ALL TOP PRIZES awarded in Trinidad and the wider Caribbean.

A.C.C.A. Graduation (December 2007 Sitting):

Shanna Herbert:
1st Place in the Caribbean for the Paper P1 - Professional Accountant exam

Vasha-Devi Seeram:
1st Place in the Caribbean in the Paper P3 - Business Analysis exam

Vasha-Devi Seeram:
1st Place in the Caribbean in the Paper APM - Advance Performance Management exam.

Sherwin Williams:
1st Place in the Caribbean in the paper AAA - Advanced Audit and Assurance exam.

Alana Boochoon:
Aegis Business Solutions Silver Award for completing the Knowledge Module in 1 sitting obtaining an average of at least 75% in each paper.

Joshua Brewster:
Aegis Business Solutions Silver Award for completing the Knowledge Module in 1 sitting obtaining an average of at least 75% in each paper.

Vasha-Devi Seeram:
KPMG Silver Award for completing the Skills Module in no more than 2 consecutive sittings without failing a paper obtaining an average of at least 75% in each paper:

Shanna Herbert:
bpTT Platinum Award for completing the Essentials Module in no more than 2 consecutive sittings without failing a paper with a minimum average of at least 50% in each paper:

Vasha-Devi Seeram:
bpTT Platinum Award for completing the Options Module in no more than 2 consecutive sittings without failing a paper with a minimum average of at least 50% in each paper:

A.C.C.A. Graduation (June 2008):

Rozette Maharaj:
1st Place in the Caribbean for the Paper P1 - Professional Accountant exam

Neela Ramphal:
1st Place in the Paper AFM - Advanced Financial Management exam

Ria Ramjattan:
PKF Silver Award for completing the Knowledge Module in 1 sitting with an average of at least 75% in each paper

Zara Ali:
Aegis Business Solutions Silver Award for completing the Skills Module in no more than 2 consecutive sittings without failing a paper and obtaining an average of at least 75% in each paper

Theresa Noel:
bpTT Platinum Award for completing the Essentials Module in no more than 2 consecutive sittings and obtaining a minimum of at least 50% in each paper.

Articles and News

These 2 articles from the ACCA Caribbean Press Office section showcases 2 outstanding Students Accountancy Centre graduates who are a testimony to the dedication and enterprise of the students and lecturers who have pursued and excellence.

"The heights of great men reached and kept were not achieved by sudden flight; for they whilst their companions slept toiled upward into the night".


Wednesday 29 October 2008
“Kittitian gives sterling performance in Caribbean ACCA examinations”

Pursuing tertiary education while working has proven to be a challenge for many students, but for Shanna Herbert of St. Kitts, the desire to pursue and complete the ACCA qualification was enough to take her through to completion. ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) recently held its 2008 Graduation ceremony in Trinidad in which it honoured some 245 affiliates from the December 2007 and June 2008 exam sittings who had successfully completed the ACCA qualification. There were 2 graduating affiliates from St. Kitts among the honourees, Shanna Herbert and Kendra Archibald. Shanna was the top performer in Paper P1 (Professional Accountant), and was also awarded the bpTT Platinum Award for top performance in the Essentials module examinations for December 2007. This award is presented to the affiliate completing the Essentials module in the first attempt in not more than two consecutive attempts with the highest average mark of those who sat the exam. The minimum grade is fifty percent. The Essentials module consists of three papers, P1 Professional Accountant, P2 Corporate Reporting and P3 Business Analysis.

Shanna began studying for the ACCA Qualification in December 2004. For two years she pursued her studies on her own via distance learning and using the support materials. However, the challenges of working and studying became increasingly difficult and eventually, Shanna made the decision to come to Trinidad. She enrolled at the Students Accountancy Centre for one year, from where she graduated as an affiliate of the ACCA. Shanna attributes her success to her faith and thanks her mother and sisters for the support given to her during her period of study. She adds that her son Clerique was her "driving force" and kept her focused when she felt like giving up. She says, "The ACCA Qualification is not an easy one, and I am happy to have been able to complete it within a relatively short period of time. My study partner, Kendra Archibald must also be thanked as she started and completed the programme with me and gave me the support I needed at the most trying periods of study."

Brenda Lee Tang, recently appointed Head of Corporate Development at the ACCA Caribbean office said "Against all odds, Shanna has displayed a high level of commitment to the ACCA programme and for this she must be commended. By her sacrifices, she has demonstrated that she has the courage and ability to make a meaningful contribution to any organisation. I look forward to welcoming her as a member." Shanna is currently employed at Pricewaterhouse Coopers as a Staff Accountant, she spent three and a half years at Pannell Kerr Forster (St. Kitts) prior to this posting. She hopes to pursue an MBA Qualification in Accounting and Finance.


Monday 20th October, 2008
“Grenadian student wins top award at ACCA examinations”

Theresa Noel was one of two affiliates from Grenada who attended the ACCA/ICATT graduation ceremony held recently in Trinidad on October 5 th at the Hilton Trinidad & Conference Centre. Theresa along with fellow countryman Wayne Nelson was present at the event to receive their certificates of completion. The ceremony honoured some 245 affiliates from the December 2007 and June 2008 exam sittings who had successfully completed the ACCA qualification. There were 8 graduating affiliates from Grenada among the honourees. Theresa was also awarded the bpTT Platinum Award for top performance in the Essentials module examinations. This award is presented to the affiliate completing the Essentials module in the first attempt in not more than two consecutive attempts with the highest average mark of those who sat the exam. The minimum grade is fifty percent. The Essentials module consists of three papers, P1 Professional Accountant, P2 Corporate Reporting and P3 Business Analysis.

Theresa began studying for the ACCA Qualification in July 2004 just two months before the devastating passage of Hurricane Ivan in September which ravaged the island of Grenada . With nowhere to study and no electricity supply, Theresa had to weigh her options carefully, but she was determined to continue her course of study given the limitations with which she was faced. Studying using lamps and candles, Theresa managed to sit and pass the December 2004 exams. She has kept up a rigorous schedule of study since then, attributing her success to the many study aids that she used including the study texts, revision kit and keeping up to date with business and financial developments via ACCA's Student Accountant magazine and technical articles written by examiners. She was quick to add that the support of her husband and family were paramount to allowing her the time she needed to study.

Currently employed at Grensure Fire & General Insurances Limited ( Grenada ) as the Financial and Operations Consultant, Theresa has a future goal in mind of obtaining her Masters in Accounting, opening up the possibilities to the path of first female CEO of the company. Brenda Lee Tang, recently appointed Head of Corporate Development at the ACCA Caribbean office said "Theresa must be congratulated on her excellent performance particularly in the face of the adversity she faced at the beginning. I am confident that news of her success will inspire others to follow in her footsteps. We are especially proud of her and all our Grenadian affiliates." Other affiliates from Grenada who graduated are: Tricia Melville, Inette Munro, Jesse Sylvester, Samantha Blackburn, Shallene Gooding, Wayne Nelson and Alexander Roberts.

Note that:
Theresa Noel
Tricia Melville
Inette Munro
Jesse Sylvester
Samantha Blackburn
Wayne Nelson
Alexander Roberts

were all graduates of the Students Accountancy Centre.


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